Aptum is a startup created in 2018 and focused on providing computer vision services


We help our clients solve their recurrent problems and automate their systems. We provide consulting services in the area of computer vision and deep learning.

We decided to found Aptum after noticing the shortage in computer vision experts able to solve real world problems. We also think that computer vision can transform an image or a video composed of a set of pixels into useful information which can be manipulated easily.

Our Mission

We consider that computer vision and innovative interactions are not fully exploited in companies. Our mission is to change this and make the task simple to integrate cutting edge technologies for entreprises. Making these services cheap and reliable is also important.

Our Vision

We think that recent advances in computer vision and deep learning coupled with the battefiled-tested old techniques make huge difference between companies. Automation through AI and computer vision allow companies to scale fast and dominate the market.

Our Approach

We consider offering easy to use APIs and services for companies. These services hosted in the cloud will allow companies to easily apply AI in their context with zero risk. Newer services will be added to our portfolio each month.